Team Injection Works Welcomes NJ Congressman Andy Kim

Team Injection Works Welcomes NJ Congressman Andy Kim

 Congressman Andy Kim with Chris Rapacki, CEO of Injection Works New Jersey Congressman Andy Kim spent the afternoon of July 9, 2021 touring the Injection Works facility, meeting with a variety of our staff, and learning about our company and also about our many customer and partners. Our team was also able to share suggestions on how to help make USA-based manufacturing companies like Injection Works even more competitive and successful in the future. We thank the Congressman for taking the time to visit Injection Works and also for all of the time and attention he gave to all of those who he met with today! It was an honor and a pleasure to meet and speak with Congressman Kim, and to have him tour our operation at Injection Works.

Injection Works Hosts Aspiring Industrial Design Students for Tour of its Manufacturing Facility

Injection Works Hosts Aspiring Industrial Design Students for Tour of its Manufacturing Facility

Fifteen college students and their instructor from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia were invited to tour Injection Works’ manufacturing facility recently to get a first-hand look at how products are made using the injection molding process. As part of their Materials & Processes course in the Industrial Design Department of the University, site visits to manufacturing facilities help expose the students to many different production methods and also provide a better understanding of the limitations of various manufacturing techniques – which allows them to design new products with efficiency and economy in mind.  These students were enthusiastic and asked many relevant questions, and it was a pleasure to share part of our day with them. The Materials and Processes course is taken during sophomore year and is designed to give students appropriate knowledge about and exposure to industry for their future projects and eventually professional experiences.  Students from this program enter the workforce in many ways, and recent graduates from the program have taken jobs in the following areas: Model Making and Prototyping Digital Modeling and Rendering Human Factors Design Research Packaging and Product Design Web Design Furniture Design

Injection Works