Injection Works Activates Solar Electricity-Generation System

Injection Works Activates Solar Electricity-Generation System

In March of 2012, Injection Works took a major step forward toward managing manufacturing costs, reducing its carbon footprint and helping to keep the environment clean when an all-new 290KW solar electricity-generation system was activated.  “Built with all-American sourced components, this roof-top mounted system with over 1,200 solar panels is designed to provide up to 30% of our power needs”, according to Facilities Manager Bill White. President Chris Rapacki noted “The primary goal of the system is to help insulate our customers from the inevitable increase in long-term energy costs.  From a financial perspective, very low interest rates coupled with a 30% NJ state subsidy help to keep this $1.25 million project cash flow neutral, with a payback period of under five years.  This new system is a win-win-win…Customers will appreciate additional protection against manufacturing cost escalation – Injection Works’ personnel are excited that their company continues to build upon other conservation initiatives – and we all enjoy the benefits of cleaner air. Customers are warmly invited to tour the installation and learn more about the engineering and financial aspects of the system. View photos below from the Installation and set-up of the system:        

Injection Works Invests in Solar Power

Injection Works Invests in Solar Power

Thinking global but acting local, Injection Works invests in Green Energy to offset 25% of their current energy needs. Injection Works, a custom injection molder in Mount Laurel, New Jersey announced today that it has given the green light to funding a new 290 KW solar energy generation system as part of its ongoing efforts to position the company as a class-leading Green manufacturer while reducing costs for its customers. According to Injection Works’ President Chris Rapacki, “we’re very excited to make this next investment in our future. In conjunction with our growing fleet of all-electric molding machines, on-site solar energy generation is part of our comprehensive strategy to reduce energy purchases and consumption. This system will help insulate our customers from the impact of higher energy costs in the future, and further enhance the overall competitiveness of Injection Works’ manufacturing operations.” According to Chris Buniva of system supplier Vanguard Energy Partners, “this system should offset approximately 25% of Injection Works’ energy needs, and significantly reduce their carbon footprint.” The system is scheduled to be fully installed and generating energy for Injection Works by January, 2012.

Injection Works